The four canvases on the right have generated the most questions for the Kelly Clark Trunk Show. Typically, the customer looks at the canvases for a while and then eventually says "What are they?'
These designs are Kelly's newest Christmas stockings. These stockings fall right in between needlepointing just the cuff (see the stocking on the far right) and stitching the entire stocking. Instead, you stitch the cuff, toe and heel and the finisher creates the rest.
These designs are all on #13 mesh so they are easier to see and quicker to stitch -- important for those grandmothers who suddenly have many stockings to stitch!
Another advantage is that you are creating a truly inheritable heirloom since the name is written on the stocking. On many of our stockings today, we encourage our customers to do a separate nametag so that the piece can be handed down.
Of course, you can always take my husband's position. If they want his stocking, they can name the kid after him.