During the last few weeks, I have seen so many customers. I was thrilled to be able to help them because for me, needlepoint is about the people as much as it is about the needlepoint.
I just want you to remember how thrilled you were when you found us. And how concerned you were when you thought we were closing. If we want to have local needlepoint shops, we need to support them.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Change is Inevitable and Often, Good
Today is my last day as the owner of Ridgewood Needlepoint. It is certainly a bittersweet time for me. I have loved owning Ridgewood Needlepoint. But I am looking forward to having Vanessa take it over. I know that she will bring new ideas which is exciting. I am looking forward to introducing all of you to Vanessa, the new owner. So if you are around today from 1 PM to 4 PM, come and meet her.
But sometimes, other changes occur. So although everyone knew I was leaving, Suzanne has just announced that she will be leaving, too. She has accepted a fabulous offer to work with her old company -- it is a good time for her personally to return to the full-time workforce. During the past nine years, Suzanne has organized our finishing process -- ensuring that your completed needlepoints have come back as finished pieces. In addition, she has worked with our customers. As left-hander, she was invaluable to us all in teaching left-handers. Suzanne is also a great stitcher. She often reminded us that a canvas stitched in tent stitch is just as beautiful as one with many stitches.The picture above is one of her finished needlepoints.
Ridgewood Needlepoint will miss her but it is a great opportunity for her. We wish her well in her new position. (She may come in occasionally on a Saturday while Vanessa settles in.) But if you are around this week, come in to say good-bye.
But sometimes, other changes occur. So although everyone knew I was leaving, Suzanne has just announced that she will be leaving, too. She has accepted a fabulous offer to work with her old company -- it is a good time for her personally to return to the full-time workforce. During the past nine years, Suzanne has organized our finishing process -- ensuring that your completed needlepoints have come back as finished pieces. In addition, she has worked with our customers. As left-hander, she was invaluable to us all in teaching left-handers. Suzanne is also a great stitcher. She often reminded us that a canvas stitched in tent stitch is just as beautiful as one with many stitches.The picture above is one of her finished needlepoints.
Ridgewood Needlepoint will miss her but it is a great opportunity for her. We wish her well in her new position. (She may come in occasionally on a Saturday while Vanessa settles in.) But if you are around this week, come in to say good-bye.
Lauren's Stocking

Lauren has been stitching away on this stocking for several months but was really panicked when we all thought Ridgewood Needlepoint was closing. In order to finish in time, she did several stitching marathons of over 12-14 hours of stitching a day.
The final result is lovely.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Larry the Turkey

Once again, Erika has done a great job stitching the piece. Look at how perfect her bullion knots are on Larry's wattle. Although we don't have any in stock, we could certainly get you one if you want to stitch Larry the Turkey.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Vanessa 's Ornament

So, I thought I would provide you with some information..Vanessa grew up on Long Island and went to the College of New Rochelle. She's been stitching since 1976; Vanessa remembers stitching and watching the Olympics. She also was stitching at the beach while the boats were getting ready for the biennial celebrations.
After college, Vanessa worked on Wall Street, primarily as an assistant to a Commodities Trader. Evertually, she was able to work from home while she raised her two children. But the children are in high school, and getting ready to leave the nest. So Vanessa convinced her husband that she should buy Ridgewood Needlepoint.
Although a stitcher for many years, Vanessa basically did the continental stitch before she came to Ridgewood Needlepoint. . But she took classes and learned about various stitches. She also loved stitching with different threads.
Vanessa always has a canvas with her that she can turn to when she's waiting. In fact, she admits to arriving at the pick-up line early so that she can stitch.
Look at her wonderful ornament above. It wouldn't look the same in basketweave!
Vanessa is thrilled to be the new owner of Ridgewood Needlepoint. She will be at the store on Wednesday, August 31 from 1 to 4 pm. Please come to meet her if you can!
Bobbi's Boat

It will be a lovely gift!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
What do they look like finished?

Jane chose both these ornaments during our May Melissa Shirley trunk show. We did have pictures to show what the canvases looked like, but they were pretty small. We were so pleased (as was Jane) when the ornaments came back. We love the snowlady ribbon candy. It is just so pretty! And the snowmen candy cane is also sweet. Both will make great ornaments. I'm so envious of Jane's grandchildren -- they each have a growing collection of ornaments!

Santa and his Sleigh
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Christine's Lettering

Jane picked up the top canvas this week. Christine, our superb letterer painted this wonderful canvas. The lettering is beautiful as is the beautiful border. Christine created

Christine also did the wonderful lettering in the pillow below. Christine can create lovely borders and the styles of monograms are quite varied. We believe that it's a great wedding gift -- or how about a smaller monogram pillow for a ring bearer's pillow?
Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

Given a choice, I would always choose a reindeer ornament over an angel. And I also love Christmas trees. I'm jealous.
Cathy's Mermaid

Kathy used metallic threads for the sky and mermaid's outfit and then used a regular thread for the sand and water. Her mini stocking is just adorable!
Friday, August 26, 2011

In addition, we didn't focus on having the background stitches in the exact same spot as the stitch guide. Instead, we placed them as we saw fit. If Rho found a stitch to be to difficult or time-consuming, she switched to a different stitch.
Rho was determined to finish this piece before I left Ridgewood Needlepoint (or at least all the non-tent stitch work). And she will have met her goal.
She did a great job on this piece -- and I enjoyed helping her so much that I ordered one for myself -- and another customer bought the one in stock!
Jersey Bear

I wanted to share the Jersey Bear with you. Everything on the bear is related to New Jersey -- we even have black bears!
It was stitched by all the members of Ridgewood Needlepoint. Our original plan was to offer it as a club but we somehow it didn't get done in time. Instead, I received it as a farewell gift.
What a wonderful gift!

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Lauren's Fabulous Frog
Camel Ornament
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Lydia's Beginner's Canvas

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Russian Pillow
Monday, August 22, 2011
Nancy's Cuff Bracelet
Chrsitmas in Different Places

Danji does these wonderful ornaments which make perfect gifts for friends or relatives that have just moved to a new place. ( I guess I have moving on the brain!) I love the simplicity of these ornaments. The Christmas in New York one is perfect with just a hint of color.There are similar ornaments for may different places including Vermont, Virginia, California etc.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Stephanie's Flowers and Vases

Stephanie bought this canvas as soon as it arrived! This beautiful canvas is by Renaissance Designs. Stephanie carefully picked out the colors for the canvas. She judciously added metallics and beading to the designs. She picked a great background that let the focus stay on the vases.
The stunning border was created by using Soft Metallic Twist. Stephanie couched down the metallic twist thread. At the corners, she beaded over the threads to secure them.
I love the idea of using this thead as a border. By the time I finish the piece, I don't want to stitch a border. So I think this use of Soft Metallic Twist was a great find.
Of course, you can interesting borders by couching down threads. For example, you could use Petite Frosty Rays and could it down every th

Saturday, August 20, 2011
More Ornaments

I love getting the UPS delivery because it often means that we are getting finishing back. This past week, we got these great ornaments back. Look at the wonderful detail on the Santa and his sleigh. I also love the red trunk with its Christmas tree. Both these ornaments are both The Princess and Me - I think they were stitched by Rica.

Friday, August 19, 2011
Hippos Planting

Sally, Gail and Amy all fell in love with Cooper Oaks Hippos. All three bought the canvases but I don't think I've seen Gail or Amy's finished ones. But Sally kept on stitching and had these two pillows finished. I love the mini cording around the fabric insets.
It shows how even a relatively small canvas can be turned into a bigger pillow. Also, notice the interesting background. These pillows are just delightful!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I've been reading about the TNNA show that was held in Baltimore last weekend. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend since I was at a parent orientation in Texas. But when I returned to the shop, I found that several finished crab pieces had

Nancy's brick cover is absolutely beautiful. I love the color and the fantastic border. I reminds me of various wave patterns from older needlepoints.
We also got back Kappy's crab pillow. It's perfect for a beach house. Of course, in order to get finished items back in time for the current season, you must stitch one or two seasons ahead.

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