Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tucson ANG

Eileen Aird and Cathryn Curia will both be attending the ANG in Tucson. Cathryn will be taking one of Carol Lake's classes, Eileen will be taking Sandra Magg Redell's bobcat class. They will both be in the Southwest stitches class.

Eileen has submitted several pieces for the exhibit. Two were finished just in time to send them to the finisher and get them back before the ANG deadline. I'm thrilled with both of them! I'm including a picture of each. One is a stand-up camel by Rebecca Wood and the other is a Christmas stocking,The Entourage, by Liz Dillon/Tapestry Tent.

I loved doing the camel because he had such character and I enjoyed making him look like suitable transportation for a king.

The stocking took a long time to do - I worked on it intermittently for 7 years. I would get stuck and then put it down. But I love the way it came out. I had help from lots of people including David McCaskill, Anne Strapp, Meredith Barnhill, Tony Minieri, Beth Robertson and Suzanne Howren. The finisher did an outstanding job.

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