Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Favorite Needle


Although I love to stitch and I certainly have canvases that I adore, I am more likely to rave about books than accessories. I have always carried a variety of needles but to be honest, I couldn't really tell the difference. Recently, I have been using lots of #26 needles while I stitch Tony Minieri's Footsteps of the Pharoah. Somehow I ran out of the ones from the class, and ended up using the Bohin needles. What a difference! I just love the feel of these needles.

Of course, I recognize that we all have our favorite stitching tools. I also carry Platinum needles for those whose hands produce lots of acid. I also carry Piecemaker needles. Since we spend so much time with a needle, you should try different ones to see if you can tell the difference. I can and I now just want to stitch with that one.
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