Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Canvas Embellishments Class taught by Tony Minieri
It will be held on April 4th - 6th, 2014.
The class is limited to 16 people and 9 have already signed up so if you are interested please let us know ASAP.
Canvases are due no later than January 1st and must be purchased at Ridgewood Needlepoint
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $100 to be applied to the total cost of the class.
 Canvases must be purchased from Ridgewood Needlepoint
After the submission of your canvas for Tony’s class, the registration fee will be non-refundable or transferable and you will be responsible for the purchase of the stitch guide written for your canvas.
You will be responsible for paying for the following:
Class $325
Canvas, threads and stitch guide (threads will be pulled and waiting for you on the first day of class)
For class you will be required to bring your own supplies such as scissors, laying tool, magnifying equipment as well as your own stand whether it is a floor or table stand.

 Please indicate if you do not want any beads or ribbons!  Everyone will be expected to use a laying tool.

This canvas would be great for the class!