Frequently, customers complain that they have trouble seeing their needlepoint. Unfortunately, the reality is that as we age, our close-up vision often gets poorer. And needlepoint is actually closer work than reading.
But with stitching glasses, you can still stitch on smaller mesh canvas. I recommend taking your needlepoint with you to your eye doctor's office to show what you need to be able to see. (Tony Minieri takes 40 count silk gauze and #13 mesh canvas and explains that he wants the silk gauze to look like the #13 mesh.)
First, don't wear progressive lens when stitching. The benefit of progressive lens is that the focal point changes -- but that is not a benefit when you are stitching. (It is also not a benefit when reading in bed!) Instead, you want the straight line bifocals. The American Needlepoint Guild recommends a flat-top or straight line bifocal, preferably 35 MM wide (if smaller frames, 28 MM). This person also recommended that the bifocal line should be set at the margin of your lower lid. She also recommended that the bifocal be +.50 stronger than your regular reading glasses .
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Professional Symbols

Over the years, we have searched for interesting canvases with a professional theme. We like these two very much. They could easily be finished as a pillow, or be framed. And I know that next May seems like a long way away, but it's time to start those graduation gifts now.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Stitch Landscape
Monday, June 27, 2011
Kids Kits

The public schools in our area closed for summer vacation this week. As I saw the kids swarming the streets, I remembered that it was in the summer that I learned to knit. (Alright, I really never knit well but it was a summer learned skill. I also took basketweaving.)
We have some great kids kits that come with the canvas, threads and directions. Sometimes, it's great to have a surprise activity for kids to do. The kids have many different themes including a seahorse, crab, mermaid, football, lion and lots of animals.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Seven Species

Every once in a while, a customer has a request that takes a little research. Sometimes, I can find the requested items -- sometimes, I can't. But I do enjoy these requests when I end up learning something new.
Our customer was looking for a Judaic canvas with the theme of the seven species. I didn't know what the seven species were. (If you aren't sure either, they are: wheat, barley, grapes, pomegranate, dates, figs, olives)

I did find two canvases with the theme although the designer of the top canvas left out the dates.
The top design is 14" x 12" ( tallis bag size) while the bottom design is 19" x 14". (It's a challah cover.)
If you like either of these designs, just let us know. We'd be glad to get either one for you.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Degas Dancers
Friday, June 24, 2011
Recycling Needlepoint

If you have an old needlepoint, think about giving it new life by having it refinished. Think of changing the trim or the fabric. These pillows are just stunning.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Helen's Rockefeller Center Panel

Helen finished her Rockefeller Center panel. She did an absolutely superb job.
I have to admit that I love seeing the stockings and panels when they are finished. Each one is just a little different -- and reflects the artistry of the individual stitcher.
Helen used a Kreinik facets to outline the angels. She created great perspective by having the more forward angel have more definition.
In addition, I loved her Prometheseus. She used a copper thread for the base and it really stands out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Suzanne's Bunny Brick

Several people fell in love with this canvas when we had the Susan Robert's trunk show. But Suzanne got started right away and stitched away. As a result, she has her bunny brick back already.
Often, people with summer houses use a brick to keep the screen door open (or shut).
There are many different designs so you can pick the one you like best. We have many customers who enjoy stitching the baseball bricks during the baseball season.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Perfect Projects for Vacation

I ordered these delightful gingerbread houses at the January show. I loved the three D aspect of the houses. I also liked that they came with the beads needed to make the ornament sparkle. Of course, I could also see using either DMC's memory thread or

Kreinik's hot wire to further embellish the houses.
Recently, I've been stitching quite a few ornaments. They are incredibly satisfying to stitch because you can actually see the end. In addition, they are so portable -- perfect for a summer vacation.

Monday, June 20, 2011
Stephanie's Garden Room

Stephanie was initially a little frustrated when she worked with the Watercolours thread for the floor. But then she go the hang of it. Look how great the floor looks -- it's great when the thread does the work for you.
Stephanie also likes beads so many of her flowers have beading.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day

This is a great example of using a stitch guide as a guide. I loved The Princess and Me's idea of using frosty rays in bullion knots for the hot dogs is absolutely brilliant. I added a few more dogs and lots of smoke. I also changed the background to a blue sky and added a patio deck so Santa wouldn't be floating in the air.
With Princess and Me ornaments, the background is not usually painted so it's easy to change the color.
Sometimes it's easier to work from a guide. You don't have to follow exactly but can choose what you like and don't like.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Klimt Piece
Friday, June 17, 2011
Finshed Cross
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Carrots for the Reindeer

In our house, we have been leaving carrots for the reindeer when we leave cookies for Santa. So I just loved these carrot ornaments for Christmas. Each canvas has the name of a different reindeer. Each carrot has a night sky top. But then the designs varies. Comet's carrot has swirls while Cupid's carrot has hearts. Rudolph's carrot has green, red and white peppermint sticks. Vixen has a plaid bottom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A Fabulous Queen

This finished piece of Queen Elziabeth I. is really wonderful. The face and hands come with the canvas; I assume they are china.. I love the hair and the details on the dress. I wonder how historically accurate it is; it looks great to me.
I think it would be fun to stitch the details on this piece.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Christmas Angels
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