But of course, during this time, we continue to receive our customer's work back fromt he various finishers. And just as what you can needlepoint varies, so does what comes back.
As an example, we have Helen's completed Princess and Me Bride and groom ornament. Isn't it delightful? Helen's wonderful stitching was really complimented by the finisher's wonderful job.
Then we got back Lois's golf club covers in plenty of time for her to play throughout the summer and fall. She chose transferred the numbers herself.
I had stitched this IHA Santa for my daughter on her graduation from high school on June 5. And I even managed to get it back with time to spare!
In addition to the wonderful cording and ribbon, the finisher chose a great material for the back.
And finally, we got back Renee's baby gift. Renee stitched this quickly and we were able to get in back in time for the shower. What a lovely gift!