Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
The End of 2008
In case you don't know, we have started our January Sale early. Relatively new canvases are 20% off while the older canvases are 40% off; sale canvases are 75% off the original price. In addition, since Anchor has discontinued its pearl cotton #3, we are selling it for a $1. a skein. In addition, in order to make room for new threads, we have reduced some threads to $2. a skein (Trio, Elegance, Shepherd's Silk, Ty-Di Threads). There are some other threads on sale too - sparkle braid, felicity's garden etc.
We are very excited about this new wool that is coming in from Wiltex threads. I love their Vineyard Silk so I was very excited to sample the new wool. It's lovely. Suzanne loved it too and she loved Medici!
It's snowing here in Ridgewood. In fact, although Sally and I made it in the roads were terrible. So we closed at noon and went home. It's a very pretty snow but tough to drive in.
I'm busy working on the Christmas door for our Door series. I am also working on the email announcement so please be patient!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Audubon Pictures
The birds are lovely (and as some of you may know, since I am a birder, I am particularly fussy about my birds). Carol is going to do the pieces in basketweave. We spent some time choosing the perfect colors from The Caron Collection's Impressions.
It was fun to pick out the beautiful colors. I can't wait to see the finished project.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Evelyn's Pillows
Christmas Ornaments/House Tour
Below I have posted pictures of some.
We have these wonderful Santa's and Snowmen that can be personalized with a school's colors and name. Below I have posted two of Mary's - Elon and Davidson Santas.

Sports Fans really like to have their teams represented, too. Below is a Mets Jersey.

The beautiful Melissa Shirley angel was stitched by Chris. It's on display at the Ho-Ho-Kus Auxiliary's House Tour that benefits Valley Hospital.

Chris put her beautiful angel on top of her living room Christmas Tree. I was lucky enough to see all of Chris's ornaments displayed as she got ready for the tour.
The stitched ornaments and holiday treasures really make her house an absolute treat.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
What Should You Get For a Stitcher
We have quilted bags for projects in addition to our clear vinyl bags. There's also a stash bag that will hold threads and your tools for that project.
Of course, needlepoint involves lots of gadgets. Amy put together a little stitcher's kit with a scissors, laying tool, needles and the new bling magnets. We also have some wonderful decorative magnets.
Of course, you can buy a gift certificate so the person can choose herself (or himself) or you can suggest one as a gift for you.
Come search for the stitcher in your life (or for yourself).
It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas
Christmas finishing continues to pour in. It's like Christmas every day as we get to see the finished canvases. I know I promised to post pictures. I hope to do that later this weekend.
Come to the store to get a respite from the holiday craziness. Join us for a Stitch & Chat!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Weekend After
Of course, as a retailer, I can help but read the stories about Black Friday and the hordes going to the mall. At Ridgewood Needlepoint, we had a lovely day with our customers who came in for stitch and chat. Kappy came in to pick up a delightful pillow. I promised to post that picture with some other finished items later in the week.
This week, we expect the Christmas finishing to really start coming in. I know that we will be receiving two tree toppers and three Old World Santas this week. I can't wait to see them.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Joke
I do wish you all a lovely Thanksgiving!
Eileen Aird
A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to "clean up" the bird's vocabulary.
Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly open the door to the freezer, the parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said, "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior."
John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued, "May I ask what the turkey did?"
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Armchair Chef Rides Again
Tink will also have celebrity chefs for Thanksgiving leftover ideas. I know I will be checking it for ideas. I often make turkey soup and turkey salad but it's nice to have new ideas.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sandra Gilmore & More Trunk Show
It's now hanging up and it is lovely. We have her lovely room scenes, her beautiful flower scenes plus some of her large figures. There is a sweet child dressed for Halloween and a wonderful Santa.
We also have a number of judaic designs from Sandra and another artist in the Fleur de Paris line.
We requested the Trubey NewYork City BellPull. Come see the trunk show. Also, remember that we will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Holiday card for Soldiers
I've read at least one blog where there were suggestions about sending holiday cards to soldiers. From the back and forth exchanges, it seems that there is a protocol that you must follow. Below I have inserted the link to the Red Cross which is jointly working with Pitney Bowes to provide cards to service men.
There is even a way to utilize their cards! Given how much time we spend on computers, this seems like a worthwhile use of our time.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Finished Stitching
In addition, we have received Nancy's Halloween Bunny. It's actually one of my favorite canvases. I can't wait to see what she does with the rest of the canvases in the series.

Then, Karen brought in her wonderful Fifi's grooming salon. It is delightful and since I love poodles, I am particulary enamored of the standard poodle in the front. (Ignore the reflection of the glass)

Finally, Cathryn has completed a flower canvas she got in the spring. It is already framed and on her wall in Bermuda. (Again you need to ignore the reflection of the glass.

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Whew! Halloween is over and the Holidays are almost here.
It seems too early to think about Thanksgiving and what to do about the leftovers. But at The Armchair chef ( there will be recipes for what to do with your Thanksgiving leftovers! At home, we will be having a small Thanksgiving dinner so we will need to find things to do with all that turkey. I will be checking it to see what they suggest. Last year, I submitted my recipe for stuffing but somehow it got lost. I'm hoping that Tink will post it this year.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Unannounced Trunk Show-Deborah Wilson
It was a beautiful show.
Because Deborah Wilson is returning to teach November 9 and November 10th, she has sent many of her beautifully stitched samples. We can take orders on those so stop by to see her incredible work. In addition, we do have the sample for the Gilded Jacobean Fruits and Flowers. It is gorgeous. It includes some unusual stitches and some goldwork. The background isn't stitched since it is on gilded ecru canvas.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Deborah Wilson Class
We still have some openings so let us know if you are interested!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Melissa Shirley Trunk Show
One of the things I like best about this line is that there is such an incredible range of canvases. There are charming Christmas ornaments and scenes including a lovely pink and white gingerbread house. We are alway selecting our favorite stocking.
Then, there are beautiful birds. Some of the canvases are of the birds alone. Others include the birds with beautiful floral arrangements. There is a spectacular large canvas of egrets in a swampy area. IT is stunning. There are fabulous shore birds and shells and a to die for black and white chicken.
Again, the line has an enormous range of color from more muted tones to vibrantly colored canvases.
We have the show until Sunday, October 26th so there's just a week to select your canvas. IT's hard to choose just one!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Armchair Chef Continued/ Serious Stitching
My daughter Alison shared her favorite recipe for Halloween cookies with me so I might share that, too.
Oh well, onto Needlepoint. I am now working on my Intermediate submission for my NAN certification. So far, it looks pretty good and I should be able to get some serious stitching in tonight during the debate. I'm hoping to either finish the windows of the building or the stucco wall -- but it's unlikely I'll get to both.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
C-up Bra Canvas

Helen's bra is one of a series of bra and panties from Sharon G. They're are all types of themes including Halloween, Las Vegas, Martinis, hearts etc. Framed the bras and panties make great decorations for your bedroom, bathroom or dressing room. I've also seen them finished as a purse!
Helen used a darning pattern for the background.
Karen's Been Busy
First, we saw her lovely hydrangea purse. The flowers were beautifully stitched.

Then, this week we saw her charming English cottage and the Fifi's Grooming Salon. Of course, it should really be called Monty's Grooming Salon.

I alway think it fabulous that one person can do such different pieces. Karen is an eclectic stitcher.
Halloween Hat

This painted canvas is one of my favorites since I love Halloween. I love fall colors and it is such a happy holiday.
Marianne finished her delightful hat in time to showcase it for Halloween. I'm so envious.
Raymond Crawford has at least one other hat design. It's not too early to start for next year! We have one in stock.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Armchair Chef
Since I love the fall, I'll be looking often. I particularly love plum cake or plum torte. I always cut those recipes out so I'm thinking of posting that recipe.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tussie Mussie Sample Has Arrived!
There are still a few openings, so call as soon as you can.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
As some of you know, I love owning books and I own a lot. But as a storeowner, I think it's my responsibility to suggest books that you will find really valuable. Thus, I often special order books but keep in inventory a relatively small selection. My recommendations also depend on what level stitcher you are. For example, I think established stitchers should have The Needlepoint Book, Stitches for Effect, More Stitches for Effect, and Even More Stitches for Effect and the Stitches To Go books. My favorite book is Amy Bunger's 3 volume Amy'sCookbook for Stitchers. But I do recognize that it is more of an investment.
I also discovered that what you like depends on where you are in your stitching. I really like Linda Corriosis Stitch Embellishment Books (two volumes) now and Susie Murphy'ss books but didn't depend upon them as much when I was new. The books mentioned are my daily tools but I also use other books regularly. And now I have found two more.
Recently, I purchased two small books on needlepoint, both by Susan Sturgeon Roberts.
The first one, The Thread, Canvas & Needle Handbook for Needlepoint is truly a Reference book. It suggests needle size and appropriate threads and number of strands for different size canvases. Of course, if you are a very tight or very loose stitcher, it may not be right for you. But it is a good starting point. And very easy to use.
The second book should be in everyone's library. Tips & Techniques for Needlepoint. I may not follow everything, but I should. And if I don't agree, there are just differences of technique.Susan Sturgeon Roberts answers many questions. I'm going to order more for the store so let me know if you are interested.
By the way, Susan Sturgeon Roberts is also the author of a very good stitch book called The Complete Needlepoint Guide. We are sold out of that book but I can certainly get more.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I Just Finished!
For those of you who are busy stitching away, we can still take ornaments through Tuesday, October 7 but that's the final date. Full-size stockings can come in as late as the end of October.
I know this means that many of you will be stitching away in the next few days.
Have fun.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Old World Stitching Santa
I have finished most of mine except for a few colonial knots and the candy canes so I may be able to enjoy mine at Christmas too.
Actually, the weaving technique looks more complicated than it is. It's mostly in the set-up.

My New Bag
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall Classes
This Sunday, the Old World Santa class will be meeting to do the scarf and the basket.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
ANG Auction
The Mr. and Mrs. Claus stitched by the Tucson chapter were fabulous.
I particularly loved a beautiful tote bag that was finished by Pat Mazu. The bag was just stunning.
Finally, there was an American Flag stitched by the Houston Chapter that generated the highest bid. I've ordered the book by Michelle Roberts for the store. It was lovely!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
American Needlepoint Guild
But my classes have been great. I took two of three days of Lois Kershner's Stitching for Perspective. It's a notebook class and I learned a lot. I plan to finish the notebook so I can use it in the store; it's a great reference.
Then, I went on to a color class taught by Janet Mitchell Fishel. We've been tinting and shading colors for two days and creating a color book. Both Amy and I have enjoyed it a lot and also learned a lot.
Expo night was fun last night. I enjoyed seeing people from last year and other times, too.
The exhibit is wonderful. I am always amazed at how incredibly talented people are. I'm also excited about classes for next year. I'll be waiting for the sign up!
Some of our classmates are from Texas and are of course, concerned about their families and homes -- and how they will get home. I hope that the hurricane does as little damage as possible. It also means that getting out of here may be more difficult due to messed up airline schedules.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Stitch & Chat Thursday Night
Helen and Nancy were admiring two new Asian Designs that just came in from Danji. Jill of Danji rewrote the stitch guides for these two beautiful pieces by Janice. They are line-drawn canvases of a fan and kimono. They will make absolutely stunning pieces!
They both also admired my new satchel purse that just came back from Elizabeth Turner. IT's a gorgeous needlepointed purse of a jungle scene. I'm taking it to ANG.
Going to ANG Seminar
My assignment for NAN is overdue. I've finished the first draft of the Student Booklet but I still have several hours to go on the piece itself. I had hoped to finish it before I left but it's looking doubtful.
We are waiting for the next shipment of paper dolls. I'm hoping that we will be shipping them the week of September 14th.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Dewey Beach
Klimt Purse

We will be placing an order for them in the next week. I know that Cathryn guided Barbara in her choice of threads so we can duplicate what she stitched.
Friday, August 29, 2008
At the store, we are getting ready for the fall season. We have decorated the walls with wonderful canvases of fall subjects or colors. Gretchen and Gail worked all day doing this. It looks fantastic.
We are putting together our fall classes and I have to update the web site. Cathryn starts the next Section of Stars of the Millenium. Helen will be teaching David McCaskill's Potting Shed on four Sundays in October and November.
Gretchen is ready to start teaching Carole Lake's straight stitches (we're just putting together the details now.) The Background Sampler is being offered again and Sally is putting together on class on Bargello. And of course, Deborah Wilson will be teaching her Tussie Mussie in October and her Jacobean Fruits and Flowers in November.
We hope you will be in soon to see the new canvases or to take our classes.
New York City Scenes
There is also a great Maggie New York City -- it's a little less traditional. Needlepoint Broad also has a wonderful canvas of the George Washington bridge with the cars going up toward it. And of course, there is the bell pull by Trubey and the Rockefeller Center Stocking and panel (also know as Midtown Manhattan stocking).
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The End of Summer/Start of the the School Year
Lots of customers are back from vacation and getting their kids ready for school. It's fun to see people we haven't seen for a while. We do have lots of new things for you to look at.
I should be updating the web site this week. In the next few weeks, we will be finalizing our fall schedule. We have Deborah Wilson coming for two classes. Helen Haydon will be teaching. I'm ready to do another background sampler and Rockefeller Center Christmas Stocking.
Gretchen is ready to teach the Carole Lake Straight Stitch class.
Friday, August 15, 2008
New Canvases Arriving Daily
Some of my favorites is the Fenway Park Needlepoint Belt featuring the green wall. I also love Dede's Herb Garden and Maggie's canvas of a women's legs and her dog!
Ebbet's Field is going to be available in #13 mesh for those of you who asked.
The customers have reserved some lovely canvases from Canvasworks Traditions line. They are beautiful and traditional flowers that were designed by Betty Smith. I'll try to get some pictures for the web site.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Newsletter #1-Get to the Point
If we have your email, you should have received a newsletter by email. If you didn't get one, you can go to our website and sign up to be a subscriber. We plan to send our more timely information through email and newsletters now that we have an effective mechanism.
I want to thank Amy Burger for her excellent work on this project.
August 2008 Vol 1, Issue 1
...get to the point!
National Needlepoint Teachers Coming Soon
Deborah Wilson will be back- twice! October 19th & 20th "Summer Tussie Mussie", very colorful with a variety of stitching techniques and threads, including couching, padded satin stitches and Silken Ribbons. When she returns Nov. 9th and 10th, the project is "Jacobean Fruits and Flowers", which combines gold work with crewel stitches - quite elegant. Call the shop for more details , 201-612-7770.
David McAskill will be returning in the spring of 2009. Several people have already signed up for his class!
Keep checking for information on other national teachers.
In This Issue
National Needlepoint Teachers
Road Trip
Coming Soon...
Quick Links
our website
our blog
email us
Join our Mailing List!
Road Trip
ROAD TRIP!! On Saturday April 5th Eileen and Helen traveled 250 miles north to attend an Embroidery Guild of America workshop at Thistle Needleworks in Glastonbury, CT led by Carole Lake, the nationally known needlepoint artist and teacher. The topic was "How to Write Your Own Stitch Guide" and women from five states came together to learn from Carole during six hours of instruction and not a lick of stitching! Carole teaches other types of classes and continues to design new needlepoint projects. She is currently involved in the Shining Needle, a cyberspace interactive class that involves other national teachers and designers. Ridgewood Needlepoint customers are already benefiting from Eileen's and Helen's newly gained expertise.
Come September, Eileen and Amy will be attending the ANG National Seminar in Indian Wells, California.
Coming Soon
Beginners (and others who are interested) class for learning the basics of the continental and basket weave stitches, how to stitch "curved" lines and compensate, and how to stitch leftie.
And look for the Old World Santa class. Eileen fell in love with this Kelly Clark canvas and stitch guide. Check with us for further information.
Would you be interested in devoting a Stitch & Chat to a particular project/class you started and have not finished? We have several customers who are interested in a class for the Background Sampler. Any other suggestions?
Please note--
After September 1st, Ridgewood Needlepoint will no longer accept returns for threads.
Dye lots change for every thread. We have observed significant variations of the same colors with different dye lots. When we have threads returned from discontinued dye lots, customers will be unable to buy what they need.
This is even more of an issue with threads that have no dye lot printed on the label. When we intermingle new and returned threads, we are selling them from different dye lots.
We have also received threads that have been used and returned in poor condition.
We realize this is a change in policy so we want to give you as much notice as we can.
We hope you've enjoyed our first newsletter.
Eileen Aird
Friday, August 08, 2008
Stitching Blogs
We are still working on our newsletter. We had technical difficulties. We created it in Publisher and then realized that many people don't have Publisher. But we are planning on sending it out this week with a new email program. So if we don't have your email or if you are not sure, please signup for now. Also, make sure your internet provider won't block emails from:
Occasionally, I take time to look at other people's blogs. Recently,two customers started their own blog. Check it out
Both Denise and Linda have already signed up for David McCaskill's class in April! There is a picture of the piece that Denise did with David.
The Dog Days of Summer
I didn't know where the saying came from. Today, I learned that the phrase comes from the ancient Romans who believed that the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star in Canis Major, contributed to the sun's heat, thus making the dogs hot and stagnant. It refers to the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star in Canis Major.
the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star in Canis Major. The Romans thought that
Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, contributed to the suns heat
making the dog days hot and stagnant.
I've spent much of my time off working on stitch samples. I had planned to get much more stitching done but I have enjoyed my time off.
I'm back at the store full-time on Tuesday. I might still sneak two long weekends at Shelter Island but my summer is coming to an end.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Where Has the Summer Gone?
This week I should be able to stitch. I have my Rockefeller Center Stocking with me. (Yes, I will be ready to start a new class in the fall. I'm aiming for October since I'm at the ANG seminar for a week in September and then I have Parent's weekend at Alfred University.) I am also working on my Kansas Rooftops for my NAN certification class.
At the store, we are starting to plan for our fall classes. We have Deborah Wilson coming for two classes(Oct. 19-20th and again November 9th & 10th). Helen will be back from the shore and is ready to teach David McCaskill's Gardening Shed.
We have a group of small projects out if you need to find a perfect travel project. There is still time to get your canvases finished before the Christmas finishing deadlines.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium
But they explained to me (a non Fan) that they follow baseball, not just a team. So if you have a baseball follower or have baseball follower's in your life, look at doing a stadium. We either have or can get you the stadium canvas for the following teams:
Orioles-Camden Yards, White Sox- Kominsky Park, Chicao Cubs - Wrigley Field, San Diego Padres-Petco Park, Red Sox -Fenway Park. For the baseball historians, there is also a canvas of Ebbetts Field, the Brooklyn Stadium that the Dodgers played in.
We also have some adorable ornaments for baseball teams.
Think about doing the Sehea the Shea Stadium or Yankee Stadium canvase in the Stadiums final seaons. The all-star game was played in Yankee Stadium this past week and Billy Joel gave the last concert at Shea Stadium.
New Threads
We just received our new silk threads - Baroque Silk. These are beautiful silk threads that are meant for #13 mesh although stranded down they can be sued for #18. Currently, there are 91 beautiful colors. I'm sure we will be using these threads.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Stitching Away
It's fun to see something you designed come together. Imagine how Melissa Shirley must feel with so many designs to her name!
I'll be at the store most of this week and hope to get more done on this project. Needless to say, part of the assignment is due July 15th - I need to have stitch samples done for all the stitches. I've only completed about half of those.
I promise to blog more this month!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Threads & More Threads
I know that once they are gone, I will miss some of these threads -- but there just isn't enough room for everything.
Summer Stitching
I'm also working on two projects for my NAN certification. Consequently, I did lots of doodle stitching this weekend to determine what stitches I really want to use. Sometimes, although I think a stitch will work, it really doesn't.
If you are traveling this summer, you can take small projects with you. The Painted Pony trunk show has lots of choices.
Another option would be to work on the Old World Santa. We will be stitching the basket and the shawl as a class early this fall.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Ridgewood Needlepoint Paper Doll Outfit
I'll try to do a picture when I have finally finished it. I just have one or two more things to finish and it's done.
We are now working on selecting the paper doll outfits for the next year.
Teresa's Finished Pieces
Toilet Tissue Covers
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Newsletter Update
Final Report on TNNA
I forget to mention that on Sunday night, I went out with several people to Martini's. It's a well know restaurant in Columbus. I had dinner with Evan of Evertite fame, Amy Bunger, Robin who works with Amy, Emily of Chandall, Susan who works with Melissa Shirley and Melissa Shirley. It was a really fun evening.
The Needlepoint group of TNNA is going to be setting up a website as a public service for the public. It always takes so much effort to get these types of projects off the ground but so far, they've done a great job.
I also saw Beth Robertson and Suzanne Howren who did the stitch guide for the October paper doll and Cynthia Thomas who did the stitch guide for the December paper doll. At the market, they taught a great class on using Kreinik for embellishment.
Elizabeth took classes with June McKnight. Many of you may have read some of her wonderful little (size) needlepoint books. In the past year, she published a new bargello book with color pictures and a small book on bargello medallions. The latter make great Christmas decorations. Amy Burger at Ridgewood Needlepoint was very excited about these ornaments. We should have a busy teaching schedule for the fall.
I also started to schedule trunk shows into 2010!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Painted Pony Trunk Show
Painted Pony is a great collection of mostly small canvases. These include the travel angels plus hundreds of Christmas and Halloween themed canvases.
We will be spending most of tomorrow putting it up. But come by to see them -- they make perfect travel projects. And you can have them done before the finishing deadline for this Christmas.
TNNA Show - The Best Thing
To me it was the best thing at the market! I'm going to try to get a picture of the finished one. Of course, we hope to have one in the store bathroom soon!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Final Day of the National Needlearts Association Trade Show
Yesterday, I took a class on personalized plaids. What a great technique! It makes it so easy to personalize gifts. It wasn't that hard. We'll be setting up a class for the fall.
Today I had the opportunity to take a class on Turkey work. I learned several new ways to do. In addition, Amy Bunger showed us how to work the punchneedle vertically. It makes it so much easier.
My sister took two classes on bargello for me so with her notes, we'll be able to do it at the store.
I have ordered some great new ornaments from Ruth Schmuff. Amanda Lawford has a great NYC design that will be coming to Ridgewood Needlepoint soon. I've fallen in love with Charlie Harper's designs all over again -- but this time in needlepoint.
I ordered a silk thread for #13 count and the #24 Kreinik braid.
I can't wait to get back to the shop to show you all what I learned and to tell you what I saw.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The National Needlework Show
The rest of the day, I walked the show. There were so great designs. Barbara Elmore had added a new chandelier to her Mermaid Chandelier. It's for Halloween and is fantastic. I would say it's a must have for the Halloween obsessed.
Trubey has some great vertical city scenes-NYC, San Francisco, London and Washington, DC. I know some of you will want London while others will prefer NYC.
Danji is bringing out some designs that are line drawing done by Janice. Jill has updated the stitch guides to take advantage of today's threads.
Sharon G is displaying her designs based on Denise W's house in Italy. The canvases are lovely.
I loved Kelly Clark's dimensional baskets. Needlepoint Broad has some wonderful shorebirds including egrets, an osprey and an oystercatcher.
I've been intrigued by some new threads -- a silk thread for #13 count in 91 colors.
There is a new company that has licensed the letters of Greek societies. They have belts, bracelets and other designs. Since the societies and fraternities use the proceeds to fun their charities, purchasing these designs also benefits them.
I have found some new children's kits. In addition, Kreinik has directions for a glitzy friendhship bracelet..
I'll try to update tomorrow.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Sample It -TNNA
In addition, I got some more micro mini stockings from Associated Talents (They are Suzanne's favorites.) I also bought 4 Christmas ornaments from Danji- two are mini-stockings and two are round ornaments. Finally, I got six wonderful canvases from Kelly Clark and belt buckles. So I managed to secure some great items to bring back.
Classes at The National Needlework Association
I also took a fabulous class with Amy Bunger of the Amy's Cookbook Series and the DVD's How'd You Do That? The class involved an adorable blue vase from Melissa Shirley. We embellished the canvas with various stitches/techniques that could be used for so many different applications! Amy is a fabulous teacher. I'm so fortunate that I am taking her for the next three days.
We also saw segments from her next DVD which incorporates many of these techniques.
I'm looking forward to finishing and teaching his piece. It was just fun!
Tomorrow the trade show opens.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Coat Ladies/City Snow
This class will meet again on Sunday, September 21.
Think about taking this class in the fall. Nancy thinks its one of the most fun classes she's taken.
Classes -Rockefeller Center
She also dealt very successfully with the orange star shaped area above the angels.
If you are interested in being in next group to tackle this wonderful stocking, please let us know. I have several people who are interested.

I'm particularly psyched about the show since I missed January's. It's exciting to see what's new - canvases, accessories, threads etc.
I'll try to blog from the show floor again to let you know what I've seen.
So Little time and so much to stitch
I am about half way through the Ridgewood Exclusive outfit for the Paper Doll Club. I think I even created a stitch accidentally. I'm hoping to finish this in the next two weeks.
I am also working on my assignments for my NAN Certification. I'm almost done with the paper work for the items that are due before June 15 and hope to get stitching soon.
finally, I really need to finish my Rockefeller Christmas Stocking. I have finished the moon and really need to start work on the toe!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Errors in Charge Processing Corrected
But then we discovered that we received a double deposit for Saturday. So although we didn't duplicate bill anyone, it turns out that our credit card processing company did all the credit card batches twice! All duplicate charges should have been reversed by yesterday. If you used your credit card or debit card at Ridgewood Needlepoint on Saturday, May 10, you should see the original charge plus a duplicate. In addition, the second charge should be reversed. Please check your bill to make sure you received the credit.
I do apologize that this happened. Unfortunately, it happened to the entire system so thousands of transactions were processed twice.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Finished Yarmulke
What to Stitch
I have the Ridgewoood Needlepoint outfit to stitch. It would be fun and it's not that much work. I have to start my design that is part of the NAN Teacher Certification. And I need to finish the Old World Santa. Finally, I would really like to finish Bruce's Rockefeller Center Stocking.
Waiting in the wings, I have the Autumn Girl and a large Harlequin Great Dane. Not to mention all the canvases started but not completed that are in yellow bags throughout my house.
I am also about 5 hours from finishing my jean jacket. So I'm off to stitch and to plan.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
New Canvases & Trunk Show in Time for Mother's Day
There are Christmas stockings and ornaments, too. I loved one stocking in particular. A little girl is looking up at a Christmas tree filled with angels.
In addition, we received canvas from Mary Ann Murphy from Pawley's Island. There is a wonderful canvas of three women fishing. Again, a primitive style that lends itself to needlepoint!
Tomorrow we are also getting in some additional scissors fobs. We received pretty frame weights and we also have quilted bags for your System 4 stands. So send your shoppers to us for your Mother's Day presents!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Mother's Day Gifts
We have great canvas bags that have a place to put a canvas. We have some wonderful books to add to your needlepoint library. I particularly like the Amy's Cookbook for Stitcher because you can purchase it by the chapter. It's the perfect suggestion for a child to give.
Another idea would be a scissors fob. We are expecting them in tomorrow. We are also getting some frame weights and some wonderful accessories just in time for Mother's Day gifts.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Elaine's Tale -Be Careful with Magnifiers!
But Elaine couldn't figure out what had happened to a canvas she had almost finished. The canvas looked like it had a burn mark. She said some of the stitched threads had disappeared and the paint color had changed. Elaine thought that perhaps the cleaning lady had spilled some chemical on it. But I asked if she had her magnifier on the canvas and she had. The sun's rays hitting the uncovered magnifier caused the canvas to burn
Elaine is the second customer who has burned a canvas because the magnifier was left uncovered.
She also shared a saying "Don't cry over things that can't cry over me." But please don't leave your magnifier uncovered by a window. It's very dangerous. YOu could lose more than a canvas.
David McCaskill's class
He gave Martha some suggestions for the fabulous Melissa Shirley Chinese monkey. It's a huge canvas but he had wonderful suggestions. We used so many threads we have to restock!
He promises to return next year so let us know if you are interested.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Melissa Shirley's Stitchers
David McCaskill classes
Nancy is working on a whimsical view of Central Park. David used lots of boucle to get the foliage. Although none of us can figure out what the pink square is.
Susan and David worked on a a Rebecca Woods piece. The mountains were so effective done in a brick stitch with snow!
Janet worked on a Sharon G piece of a New Orleans door. The canvas itself has so many subtle color changes. Janet was amazed to see how David's suggestions let the color come through.
Nancy worked on a Nan Hempel piece and L'hiver from Birds of a Feather. THe pine trees are looking fantastic.
Linda and David worked on a Melissa Shirley piece of a group of women stitchers. Linda loved David's suggestions for the hair.
I got stitches and threads for L'Autumne Girl and hope to get a few for the no long distributed Harlequin Great Dane by Constance Coleman (distributed by Amanda Lawford). He has such incredible personality.
I'm exhausted and I wasn't teaching or stitching! I can't wait to see what people are bringing today.
A day with David is a great experience.
Friday, April 25, 2008
August Paper Doll
I'm not mulling over how to handle the Ridgewood Exclusive outfit. I have some great ideas that I can't wait to try.1
David's Visit
Some of the best canvases I've seen have resulted from a session with David.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
David McCaskill Will Be Here This Weekend
I'm thinking of doing the Autumn Girl myself and a wonderful discontinued canvas of a Great Dane.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Last season at Yankee Stadium and Shea Stadium
So for those who are Mets or Yankee fans or those who have them in their families, wouldn't it be perfect to be stitching Yankee Stadium or Shea Stadium this year? We have both canvases at the store. And there's still time to join the Stadium class that has its first meeting this Sunday.
We have one Mets Stadium in stock and could get another one here by Sunday if we knew today or tomorrow. We also have a Yankee Stadium in stock.
Just think of all those hours of baseball ahead!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Carole Lake's Fabulous Class
I spoke with Carole about doing St. Basil's at Ridgewood Needlepoint. She's interested but I need to make sure you are since it is a four day class. Of course, it would be great to have her also teach the "How to Write a Stitch Guide".
I always feel so fortunate that I am able to take classes with such great teachers. Carole is one of the best.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Stars Canvas
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Finished Pillows
Other pillows do not require such fancy finishing. But sometimes, a customer wants a very decorative pillow but doesn't want to spend as much as the top end finishers cost.
This weekend, we had several wonderful examples of pillows that were finished by our regular finisher. She did her normally great job of finishing the pillows. But the end product was definitely enhanced by the customer's outstanding choice fabric and trim.
I thought you would enjoy seeing two of these pillows. One was done by Ellen. I don't have the other customer's name here at home. Both pillows are outstanding!

Tussie Mussie
So let us know if you are interested. We are taking registrations now for the class being held on Sunday and Monday, October 26 & 27th.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Melissa Shirley's Web Site
Remember I missed the show, so it was fun to look at the just released designs in addition to those from January. I love the egret designs from the winter show.
For those of you who love butterflies, there are some beautiful ones.
Melissa went crazy for gardens this spring. She has bird houses, butterflies and formal gardens in addition to just wonderful garden scenes. I also loved some of the flowers.
Take a peak. We'll be glad to get you what you want.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I Hate Being Sick
I'm planning on doing some stitching tonight and hope to be at the store tomorrow.
People are definitely planning what canvases they are bringing to David McCaskill. I've ordered the Autumn Girl and have a discontinued Great Dane that I want to do for my daughter Emma.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Upcoming classes
Cathryn is teaching David McCaskill's Stitcher's Purse over 3 sessions. They will be held on Sunday mornings. I have 6 people registered so there is still room for one more.
Finally, the Stadium class in also scheduled for three times on Sunday afternoon. I think one date is being changed but it will start on April 13. You can see pictures and more information on our web site.
OOPs, I forgot. There may be one or two openings for David McCaskill on Saturday, April 26th. Call if you want to save that place. 201-612-7770
We are really excited about these classes!
My last blog didn't post
I was thinking that this Easter we did so few eggs. It's hard to know if it was because Easter was so early this year. But it means we can get back into the egg swing next year.
I've been home with the flu so I don't know exactly what's going on at the store. I've been trying to work on my designs for the Design for Embroidery class with Mary Shipp and my next design for the NAN certification program.
In between, I have done a little stitching on the Old World Stitching Santa. Kelly Clark outdid herself with this piece.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter in early March
In the store, we did far fewer Easter eggs. Somehow, no one seemed to realize that it was this early until it was too late! I'm working on the Old World Stitching Santa and it doesn't seem out of season yet.
Of course, I am enjoying the forsythia we bought. I love the bright and cheery flowers -- they seem to promised that spring is coming. I was thinking that I haven't seen a canvas of forsythia although it would make a great canvas for embellishment.
I also had a chance to look at the classes for The National Needlework Trade Show in June. There are some great technique classes that I am looking forward to taking. Sign-up is tomorrow so I'll be waiting at 10 AM.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Go to the events sections. There is a trial version of the calendar. Dates with an event will be highlighted. You bring your mouse over the date and it gives you the information about the class.
Let me know what you think.
Stitching the Old World Stitching Santa
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I'm Back
I have now completed my Teacher Certification year in Nan. Helen has almost finished her year, too. We will both be embarking on Level I of Teacher Certification. We both have a lot of stitching ahead!
The NAN exhibit of needlepoint was lovely. I felt quite honored to have the Right Facing Camel get an honorable mention award.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
I always manage to find something that I think is intriguing. I've been looking at some new books to add to our offereings. There is a small project book that could be useful to take along. In addition, there is another new book by June McKnight on Bargello and one by Sue Higgons (Higginbottom?) focusing on just 52 stitches. I plan to order these as soon as possible.
New Clases and a New Judaic Trunk Show
Our Judaic Trunk Show should be set up this coming week. It's a great opportunity to see the designs of a number of designers on the same theme. Come and take a look.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
New Brick Covers

It's always great when a customer has seen something I don't know about. It's an opportunity for a search.
Last week, a new customer asked about a log or lake house brick cover. Although I couldn't find one while she was in the store, I managed to find it.
There are several of these wonderful brick covers! There's a great one of a New Orleans House and a lake house. I can't wait to see them in person.

Hydrangea Sampler Class
This was a great class. Helen will be repeating it soon.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Snow Day
Last night I did finish the August outfit for the Paper doll. It does look great and involves a slightly different thread and stitch.
I haven't been able to stitch on Rockefeller Center in a while. But I'm planning on it tonight.
I leave on Tuesday for Tucson and have to make sure I have enough stitching to do. I'm planning on taking the Ridgewood Exclusive outfit for the Paper Doll Club and also the Old World Stitching Santa. It would be great to have something almost done.
Old World Santa
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Old World Stitching Santa & Classic Stitching Santa

There is also a new Stitching Santa called Classic Stitching Santa. Obviously, this Santa has been to some of our stashes. He's carrying lots of either finished or unfinished canvases.

I may have to have both. Check out the pictures!
Westminister Dog Show
But if the Standard Poodle who won the Best of Breed last night wins, his owner will be wearing a custom Poodle Cumberbund. It was fabulous looking but I forgot to take a picture. But if you're watching, look for someone wearing a poodle cumberbund.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Stitcher's Purse
We will need a minimum of 5 students to hold the class. We need to have your commitment no later than the end of February in order to get the canvases.

Monday, February 04, 2008
Cooper Oaks Trunk Show
They have some great designs. There is a new series of letters that are just charming. They belong in a child's room but aren't babyish.
I had forgotten that Cooper Oaks also has some fun signs. One group of canvases is obviously influenced by country french patterns and themes.
Although many of the beach scenes are on 18 mesh, most of the flowers, signs etc are on 13 mesh.
Come see them soon. As always, there is 10% off on Cooper Oak during the trunk show. It will be up the whole month.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Cooper Oaks Trunk Show

I don't know if the groundhog saw its shadow but with the lovely weather this weekend, the beach is calling me. Come see the Cooper Oaks Trunk Show at the store. This wonderful company has some fabulous beach scenes --in fact, beach scenes from all seasons. I love the flowers in the bag canvas bags and the dogs looking at the waves. In the past, we've been able to modify the canvas so the dogs can look like various breeds.
Friday, February 01, 2008
A Busy Week
I did manage to get my NAN Teacher Preparation Project in and on time this week.
Our class schedule is still being worked on. The stadium class will be starting on April 13th.
Cathryn Curia will be starting The Stitcher's Purse on Sunday, March 9. The costs and specific times and dates are coming soon.
Judaic Trunk
Superbowl Sunday & Beyond
Come join us on Sunday from 1pm to who knows when. I'll have coffee and some snacks.
It should be relaxing.
Monday, January 28, 2008
David McCaskill Returns Etc.
He will be at Ridgewood Needlepoint from Saturday, April 26-April 28th. We are still discussing classes but it will be at least two days of canvas embellishment. One day could be a project class like the Potting Shed or the third day could be another canvas embellishment class.
We will be posting our late winter-early Spring classes this week. We are just finalzing the details.
Cathryn Curia will be teaching David's stitcher's purse over four Sundays spread over four months. The first class is Sunday, March 9.
Those details will also be on our web site this week.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The TNNA Show-What I missed
I'm looking forward to seeing Amanda Lawford's new Christmas Tree pillow. I received Melissa Shirley's photos and they are fantastic. The new items are on the web site now.
Needlepoint Broad has some fun cityscapes under the postcard section. There's one of the George Washington Bridge with the traffic coming from the West Side Highway. In addition, there's a generic traffic jam.
At our request, there is a Jersey Girl belt! I have one coming in but call if you want me to special order it for you.
Sharon G has done some smaller doors set in scenery. They are both 10x12. She also has a new butterfly and a Big Cat tail canvas plus one called 8 Flying Jewels. She brought back two lines - her window line and her eye series. They should be on her web site soon.
Kelly Clark has added some Christmas stockings. Needle Deeva also has added stockings to her line.
Class Schedule is in the Works

At the store, we are planning the late Winter-Spring classes. We are looking at City Snow (the women in the winter coats), A Stadium class, Stars and probably David McCaskill's Stitcher's Purse.
The Stadium Class will be perfect for all those Yankee, Mets or Giants Fans although it will be open to anyone stitching one of the stadium series. (Yes, one of the teachers, Sally actually stitched Fenway Park. We're anticipating a start date close to Opening Day. Of course, we still need to decide whose opening day!

It's Cold. Looking at Classes for 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Complete Needlepoint Guide
The book is by Susan Sturgeon-Roberts. It's organized alphabetically not by stitch type. The book assumes that you will be using Paternayan wool and tells you how many strands to use. Each stitch description tells how durable the stitch is. I love to use decorative stitches so it's good to know that some are relatively durable! It even includes instructions on how to stitch on a piece of mirror or a bead.
We still have some in stock. Take a look when you come into the store. I think it's a good edition to my personal library.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Amy's Cookbook for Stitchers
The last two chapters are great. One is on Laid Fillings and the other is on borders. Both are useful chapters. If you haven't gotten Amy's Cookbook yet, take a look the next day you're in the store. The stitch diagrams are wonderful and the descriptions are very good too.