I really think this needs to be my mantra for the next week. As many of you know, I am in the process of moving and selling the store. Our house closes on the 26th of August and the store closes on August 31. In addition, I drove my youngest daughter to college last week in Texas -- it's a long drive.
On the trip, we stopped to see old friends. Both are avid needlepointers so it was really fun to see their finished pillows. I had forgotten how much I had liked some of those designs. And I love seeing framed and pillowed canvases!
In addition, since I did most of the driving, we stopped at two needlepoint stores on the way. I always love to see how other stores display their threads, canvases and finishing.
So of course, I plan to share the things I loved with Vanessa Holloschutz, the new owner of Ridgewood Needlepoint. I am so delighted that she has purchased the store and that staff of Ridgewood Needlepoint will continue to provide their expertise.